Sunday, June 28, 2020

IntelliJ & Go Plugin


In the recent times, I have been using IntelliJ Ultimate edition at work and community edition on my personal laptop. 

Tried to create some sample go projects in my personal laptop for my own testing. I thought it would be quite an easy step to create a Go project in IntelliJ. Here are some things I tried:

1) Tried to look for a Go plugin in IntelliJ Plugins, couldn't find it. 
2) Downloaded Go plugin from IntelliJ Go Plugins and followed instructions as provided at "Install Plugins from disk". But, the installation threw these errors:

So, IntelliJ Community edition doesn't allow Go plugins. As per this article from Jetbrains:

it was always in the plan to have Go plugin functionality available as part of the GoLand IDE. If you want Go functionality combined with other technologies, then IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate is the right choice for you

Lack of this information wasted some time for me today. The cost for ultimate edition seems to $249 for individual use. 

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